Terms of use of
the Gitchecker
These Terms of use (hereinafter-the "Rules") of the service "Gitchecker" (hereinafter — the "Service"), developed by GTD PROJECT MANAGEMENT (hereandafter — the "Company)", determine the terms of use of the Service and establish the rights and obligations of users (hereinafter-the "Users") to the Service.

1. Generalities

THIS IS A SEARCH ENGINE ONLY. The Service does not collect and/or store any personal data. All the data you get by using the Service is stored on the third-party sites and is available in free access. We do not control such sites and do not responsible for the legality of the content posted on third-party sites, in any case, the Rules do not apply to the use of these websites.
We do not necessarily check all materials. We provide the owners of personal data with all the information necessary to control their use on the Internet. If you suppose that a third-party violates your rights, you can send us a notification by e-mail: hello@hive-staffing.agency.

The Service and all the information is provided "as is" and on an "as available" basis with all possible errors, without warranties of any kind, expressed or implied. The company does not provide any guarantees regarding the information you get by using the Service. The Company shall not be liable for any indirect, direct, actual or consequential damages, including lost profits, resulting from the use of the Service and/or the information you get by using the Service, even if the Company has been warned of the possibility of such damages.

If you are disagree with the Rules, please immediately stop using the Service and leave the site as soon as possible.

2. Intellectual rights

The Service is a result of intellectual activity of the Company and is the intellectual property of the Company. All results of intellectual activity and means of individualization posted on the site, design elements, projects, drawings, layouts, graphics (including illustrations), photographic works and works obtained by methods similar to photography, text, audiovisual works, computer programs that are part of the site, musical works with text or without text and other works, as well as trademarks and industrial designs are protected in accordance with the legislation of the country of residence, including, in accordance with international treaties with the participation of the of the country of residence. These protected objects together and separately constitute the protected content of the site (hereinafter - "Content").
2.2. The Company is the right-holder of the Service and the site as a composite work, as well as the Content (except where otherwise indicated on the relevant Content page).
2.3. Except as expressly provided in these Terms and the applicable laws of the of the country of residence, the Content may not be used (including, copied, published, reproduced, processed, distributed, sold or otherwise used) in parts or in full without the consent of the Company.
2.4. Quoting of text materials published on the site is allowed with the obligatory indication of an active hyperlink to theoberver.io or a section of the site with quoted Content.

3. Security

3.1. The company takes the necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access to the Service.
3.2. The company is not responsible for the actions of third parties (including Internet service providers providing technical availability of the site at the location of the User), with respect to the protection of communication channels through which information is transmitted to or from the Service, and does not guarantee the constant availability of the Service and its smooth operation.

4. Use and disclosure of information

Unless otherwise stated, the Company may use the data collected through the Service to improve the stable work of the Service, for research purposes of the Company, and for any other specific purposes. In addition, the Company has the right to fully use all information obtained on the Site is not personally identifiable form.

5. Third party sites

All the data you get by using the Service is stored on the third-party sites and is available in free access. We do not control such sites and do not responsible for the legality of the content posted on third-party sites, in any case, the Rules do not apply to the use of these websites.
We do not necessarily check all materials.

6. The rights and obligations of Users of the Site

6.1. When visiting the site and using the Service the User of the site is obliged to:

- comply with the provisions of the current legislation of the country they reside and these Rules;
- indemnify losses incurred by the Company, Users of the Service or third-parties as a result of violation of the Rules or legislation of the of the country of residenceor any other country he or she is operated in;
- to comply with the Rules, as well as the legislation of the of the country of residence or any other country he or she is operated in, when using the Service to get acquainted with all the information of a legal nature posted on the site or available on it through links;
- regularly check the Company announcements regarding changes to the Rules;
- if you disagree with the Rules, as well as changes announced by the Company to them, please immediately stop using The Service and leave the site as soon as possible.


- to carry out mass sending of messages;
- use software aimed at automated data collection (scraping), data indexing (crawling), including the use of tools for data mining, scripts, repetitive queries, SQL injections (SQL code injection), robots (bot programs), as well as any other method aimed at collecting, copying or aggregating information posted on the site by the Service;
- use the software and carry out actions aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the site and the Service;
- publish and distribute on the site or otherwise use viruses, Trojans and other malicious programs;
- place commercial and political advertising on the site and the Service;
- perform other actions that may harm the site, the Service, the Company and Users.

7. Rights and obligations of the Company

7.1. The Company provides Users with technical opportunities to use the site and the Service.
7.2. The Company has the right to process personal data of Users of the site.
7.3. Although the Company tries to provide accurate information on the site, the Company assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information posted on the site.
7.4. All information provided on the site including the Service is provided "as is" and on an "as available" basis with all possible errors, without warranties of any kind, expressed or implied. The company does not provide any guarantees regarding the information you get by using the Service. The Company shall not be liable for any indirect, direct, actual or consequential damages, including lost profits, resulting from the use of the Service and/or the information you get by using the Service, even if the Company has been warned of the possibility of such damages.

8. Changes

The Company has the right to make changes to these Rules. The changes will be published on the gitchecker.com website, as well as, if necessary, in other sources of the Company. The changes will apply, including to those persons who are users of the site and the Service at the time of entry into force of the changes.